Current Project
Thank you for your most generous donation!
We are so fortunate to have caught the attention of people like you with large warm hearts.
Because of your help, we won’t make it happen.
Successfully distributed the stationery items to the underprivileged students of the slums area of Govind puri. Give a little help a lot.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” —Nelson Mandela
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Our Mission
Forever Help Foundation is committed to unlocking the amazing potential of every child by fighting to end childhood hunger, and ensuring students have access to quality education, starting with children so that they become educated, skilled and aware.
Enable them to be self-reliant and enjoy a healthy, dignified and sustainable quality of life
Our Vision
An India, free of poverty where the economic and social rights of everyone are respected, protected, and fulfilled.
About Us
Forever Help Foundation is a non-profit organisation based in New Delhi. Established in 2021, To uplift the poorest and the most vulnerable & underprivileged sections of the society by providing basic needs to improve livelihoods and empowering them through education.
We strive for equality, fraternity and liberty for all.

NGO: Forever Help Foundation
Website: foreverhelp.in
Email Id: [email protected]
Address: 3/563, Ground Floor, Dakshin Puri- Extn. New Delhi -110062
NGO Registration No. 2493
(Registered under Niti Aayog)
URN. 80G : AAATF8818MF20221
URN. 12A: AAATF8818ME20215
A/c. Type: Current Account
A/c. No. 922020010534985
IFS Code: UTIB0003108
Branch: South Ex-II, New Delhi